Wednesday, June 17, 2009

i just have some questions...

1. is it just me, or does that guy's voice from kings of leon make me feel like i immediately need to procure new underwear in the best way possible (syntax fail. i mean needing new underwear in the best way, not searching for undies in the most efficient manner)?

2. could brody dalle ever be sexier? i mean, seriously. i don't even know about this spinnerette project she's got going or how i feel about the music, but whatever, she's always hot. to prove it, and for my own pleasure, i have included this video of one of my favorite songs by her once band, the distillers. this video reminds me of being 17 years old, having short hair and wanting to be her and dress like that every day and stick it to the man, but knowing that i wouldn't know where or how to start sticking it and, not only that, but i possessed neither the will-power nor the time management to achieve this strategic dishevelry every damn day of high school. c'est la vie.

i like her voice because it sounds like she has been consuming nothing but whiskey and cigarettes for weeks.

3. i guess that's really all the questions i had. other than: where can you get a good, cheap, consistent beaujolais in this town? kroger only comes through sometimes.

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