Sunday, August 3, 2008

so i know today is post heavy, but i thought i'd take a moment to share with you some of my new favorite commercials, local and nation-wide. the first is for some amazing sunglasses. i love how when people put them on, every time they mouth--they don't SAY--"wow!" and their problems all seem solved. i do not like the first-person camera work when they simulate the viewer putting on the commercials. it frightens me. i like the overuse of the word "vivid". apologies for the fact that it is recorded in someone's living room and the laugh in the background.

here's a particularly frightening local commercial for a store across town that sells "hippy". i have been in there once. it's too crowded with incense and candles and oil burners and buddhas and tapestries and the like. i like that the clothing picked is less flattering than the nudity portrayed. oh well, at least it looks comfy.

suit city makes the BEST commercials! this is not the one that plays on tv now, but i love that creepy little ricky ricardo, jr. lookin' kid.

there are more but i feel like i should save them.

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